13 Quotes & Sayings By Kelly Corrigan

Kelly Corrigan's writings and work have been described as "like a cup of coffee with a little cream." She is the author of the bestselling memoirs Listen Up: What Women Are Telling Men About Love, Sex, and Relationships and Want: Finding Love, Creating Happiness. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post and others. Corrigan is a sought-after speaker on college campuses and on TV and radio. She lives in Chicago.

I snap and storm around and then spend long nights thinking of the most damaged adults I know and wondering if my particular brand of maternal fuckups are how they ended up like that. Kelly Corrigan
At first parenthood was as I had expected, exhausting, sometimes heinous, and occasionally divine. I held my children close enough to feel them breathe, laugh, swallow. Kelly Corrigan
I had thought a good mother would not elicit such comments, but now I see that a good mother is required to somehow absorb all this ugliness and find a way to fall back in love with her child the next day. Kelly Corrigan
Pulling at the hem of my emotion was the creeping sense that it might well take until 2036 for this child in my arms to feel a fraction of what I already felt for her. Kelly Corrigan
It's easy to love kids who make you feel competent. Kelly Corrigan
Mothering you is the first thing of consequence I have ever done. Kelly Corrigan
But the smell of the hospital, the sting of those overhead lights in the night, the snippets of conversations I had overheard, stayed with me and marked the beginning of how I came to know what a bold and dangerous thing parenthood is. Risk was not an event we had survived, but the place where we now lived. Kelly Corrigan
I've had cancer twice and if I had to pick one fate for you, cancer or fertility problems- I'd pick cancer. Kelly Corrigan
And it occurs to me that maybe the reason my mother was so exhausted all the time wasn’t because she was doing so much but because she was feeling so much. Kelly Corrigan
Pel-i-cans, their beaks hold more than their bellies can. Kelly Corrigan
If John Lennon was right that life is what happens when you're making other plans, parenthood is what happens when everything is flipped over and spilling everywhere and you can't find a towel or a sponge or your "inside" voice. Kelly Corrigan
The mother is the most essential piece on the board, the one you must protect. Only she has the range. Only she can move in multiple directions. Once she's gone, it's a whole different game. Kelly Corrigan